Monday, December 12, 2011

Back soon!

Greetings, all who stop by when I leave you a comment!  You may have noticed I haven't posted in months... I've had a few life changes, one of which has left me a bit too tired and busy to post anything... but I'll be back soon (have more free time now!) and - as you may have noticed - am still reading other blogs, although I'm about a month behind (the max) in my feed reader. 

I did have fun at the Quilt Festival, though!


  1. Cool car! I saw your comment on my blog. I was trying to enter another giveaway and it said I wasn't the owner of my own blog! I don't know what's going on.

  2. Great car-wow! Good luck and hope life steadies out soon! Stopping by from Rescued Goods-thanks for visiting me!

  3. Was the Houston Quilt Show? I missed the car...
