Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Post!

I am pleased to announce that after much inspiration from such people as Rhonda and Tulibri, I am now starting my own Etsy shop! More pictures, descriptions, and details of what I'm working on to come.

I work with books professionally, but not in a creative fashion, so it's been delightful to make my own books for once. I've been knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, tatting, etc. all my life (no embroidery -- I have to know exactly where things go!), and have also been in love with books all my life, so the conjunction of crafting and books thrills me to no end.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. If you get time I would love to hear how you get on setting up shop with Etsy. I am interested in doing one one day, but being in Europe not sure that a US site would be my best option. EBay isn't really the sort of site that has a market for quality hand made items.

    Any info on this subject would be great.



  2. Etsy is actually worldwide -- I've seen things from Turkey and Finland, and I'm sure they go further afield than that as well. They currently list prices only in USD, but (through the magic of Paypal) other currencies work for purchases; they say they'll be putting up a real currency conversion at some point in the near future, however.

  3. so glad you've been inspired!
    the books look great :)


  4. hey billie, if you'd rather operate in Euros, you might consider Dawanda for selling your stuff.
