Our sweet little tree ... note the University of Texas longhorn for Himself ... the rest of our presents are at my mother's house and we're heading over there right now!
I make things -- books, knitted items, crocheted angels, and anything else I can find to make. Here I will write about my adventures in creating.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Christmas!
Our sweet little tree ... note the University of Texas longhorn for Himself ... the rest of our presents are at my mother's house and we're heading over there right now!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Now, that's just tacky
This year, said family member brought my mother a bag of giveaway stuff he'd found in the closet he uses whenever he visits (and that no one else uses), for her to take to charity.
In the bag? The hat and scarf. He'd never even taken them away.
Well, someone's never getting time spent on him again, as he's shown how little it means to him.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Things I learned:
1) plastic canvas is fast!
2) when they say to do all stitching, including the overcast edges, before trimming the plastic, ignore them. I did that on the left stocking, and you can see the bits of plastic sticking out. The rest, I trimmed first, and it's much better.
It was fun!
Now back to the two-year project...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Margaret Bag
The pink's the outside, with a big pink button, and the brown's the inside. Himself was even impressed when he saw it (he's used to my being able to make things, so it takes a lot to impress him). I'm so thrilled!
Secret Belgian Grandmother
I made a book for my grandmother! Grandmothers are so nice -- you can make things for them, and they don't care at all if they're a bit wonky or messed up, no matter how old you are! So, she is destined to be the proud recipient of my first Belgian-style binding.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Packet of fun stuff!
Tonight: pumpkin soup (my 2nd recipe off of Anna Maria Horner's apron-for-soup cookbook so far).
Tomorrow: Clean house because contractors are coming by to fix the Ike leaks, and Himself's cousins are coming in to town.
If I can fit it in over the weekend:

That's right, the Greek Festival's going on one block from my house. Better find time to go, in-between taking time off from work for contractors and in-laws!
Also doing a plastic canvas I got off of freecycle, because it makes me happy and goes so much faster than the 2-year crossstitch I've been doing for a present for someone... it's really not my style, but I love it anyhow. Pictures when done (hopefully soon!).
Speaking of pictures, I did a secret belgian binding -- and it's lovely. Pictures soon, I promise.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008
Last bit of October
I finally took this off my front door:
Given my speed on that one, I think I won't be putting up my autumn leaves. Probably go straight to the snowflakes....
Man, things are easier when you're a housewife (like me last year) than when you have a full-time job!
Red Snowflakes
This is my first ever swap of any kind, so I'm very excited! (So excited, in fact, I lost track of time, so I made many extra snowflakes which will be going on everyone's Christmas present this year, it seems!)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pumpkin Pasta

Roasted Pumpkin-Onion Fettuccine
Fresh pumpkin, cubed, about 1 cup
Boiler onions (I used a combination of white and purple), about a dozen, peeled.
Olive oil
Fettuccine or ziti-style pasta (better with heavier pastas)
Alfredo sauce (I used 1 jar Classico brand)
Heat oven to 400 degrees.
Cook pasta.
Toss pumpkin and onions in olive oil, add salt and pepper (just a bit, remember the alfredo sauce has both as well). Put in roasting dish and bake for 35 minutes or until onions are cooked through and pumpkin cubes are brown around the edges.
Toss with sauce and pasta.
Eat, enjoy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Anna Bolster
(I can't post photos from her site, either, so go over there -- really worth it. Very nice.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Adding a link

Mr. Monkeysuit's Shop
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Book fair update
And the few things I didn't sell? A few are going in the shop once I take more pictures, and the rest I rather wanted to keep as presents (like the metallic books below), so everything's grand.
Have a great day, all!

(stock photo, but mmmm looks nice!)
Book Fair!
Here are some of the little books I'll be selling (some of which have made an appearance here before -- I love the little one with the house on it!)...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Family at home
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Silver and Gold Metallic Sketchbooks
The lighting's terrible in these shots (the black background really absorbs light -- must go back to my shiny wood floor), but it's a slightly textured silver metallic paper on the left, and a smooth and very shiny gold paper on the right.
The insides were fun to choose (I love matching things, especially since it often entails seeing which of my small pieces of scrap will fit!)...
The silver book has a lovely swirly-textured ever-so-slightly-lilac silver feathery-looking paper, and the gold book has a faux-leather black cardstock that just seemed to suit it.
I'll be at the Book Fair at the Museum of Printing History on November 8, and both of these should be available then.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tiny Sister Books
(Little, in this instance, means 2 3/4" by 2".)
This little one is the longstitch-and-linkstitch concept used over a nice twotoned heavy handmade paper. I wish I knew how the twotoning works -- it's red on one side and purple on the other. We tried both directions, but it works best with the red out.
Before and after the storm
Here is the view from my balcony before the storm:
We didn't have all that much damage. A messy yard:
And a leaky door and subsequent floor:
Well, we were going to paint the room and tear out the carpet anyhow... just need to majorly fix the window and minorly fix the door and stained ceiling.
These are the little flowers that saw me through the storm (a little tea rose and a Hyacinth Bean, which grows delightfully):
Thursday, September 25, 2008
We Made it Through The Rain
Thanks for all your good wishes!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Storm
We're in Montrose. Seems like this time people are actually paying attention to the instructions, and evacuating only when they're supposed to (either 1) you're in an area in the storm surge, 2) you're in an unsafe structure like a mobile home, or 3) you're physically fragile and might not be able to survive a power outage or a broken window). Should be entertaining overall; I've been through a few, and they weren't so bad -- mainly b/c my house is high up, and my old Ford seems perfectly capable of taking on a few inches of water and then having nothing to show for it but a bad smell. If your house is poorly located, it might be a bit more unpleasant, though. Take care and stay dry and undamaged!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First limp leather attempt
This was something I made a month or two ago (along with several small casebound leather books, which worked quite well at that small scale and made me very happy indeed). There were so many problems with it. To begin with, my needle was too big, I believe (I now have smaller needles), and the holes I had made for chain stitch at the ends of the signatures ended up turning into slits (and, in case you didn't realize it, a chain stitch doesn't hang on to a slit very well). That, coupled with my lack of knowledge of exactly what order to do things in, ended up in my getting very lost on the inside and the whole bottom right corner of the text block spine not being attached to the cover at all:
(You can also see that I didn't get the signatures lined up well with each other either -- something went wrong when punching the holes.)
The way the spine finally ended up turning out was even wonkier than the rest:
But at least it worked as a book -- it's got text from Project Gutenberg and is not structurally difficult at all to read. So, not a complete failure after all.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Etsy notes
And I've made more earrings (they get better with time), as well as another lovely little coptic (well, twice the size of the silver-purple paisley one, but still small), and I'm learning to rejoice in so many glorious colors. Photos when I get around to it!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Silvery-purple-paisley coptic minibook
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Not a book I made
Same paper, though. Funny how we had the same idea!
It's hard to post lovely with-photo posts when you have to set up the camera to do it ... I have a new respect for all of you.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
City Streets
This darling book is a present for my college roommate, a New York girl now in New Haven. It's coptic-bound, so it should lie nice and flat for her to write class notes in.
It has a bit of a NYC map both as outside and inside cover, front and back. I hope the yellow paper will be nice and soothing. I could have used some better thread -- the white thread is fine, but blue might have been better. Need to find some, though -- as of now, have just white and red.
I do need a better set-up for photography. The top of a piece of paper is fine for tiny earrings, but not good for larger books, and neither is a beat-up (and reflective) black piece of electronic equipment! (Example: the picture of the cover is misleading, as the book is actually well squared, and doesn't taper towards the top.)
Tiny Book Earrings
These are my first offering. I'd seen tiny book earrings, and thought I could try the same. I first made a pair twice this size (about 3/4" by 1"), and realized they were much too large; they were also only one signature (these are four each). So, made a handful of smaller ones -- a leopard-print pair like this one and a red-bound pair were both snapped up by co-workers. It's a pain working so small, though! But I've now bought a smaller needle, so things should go better in the future. My adviser tells me I should put on some headbands and be sewing these on tapes ... maybe in the future! I tried other earring findings, rather than the kidney style, but couldn't get them to work -- I suppose I'd need actual jewelry-making tools for that (making little wire loops through the spine, etc.).
First Post!
I work with books professionally, but not in a creative fashion, so it's been delightful to make my own books for once. I've been knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, tatting, etc. all my life (no embroidery -- I have to know exactly where things go!), and have also been in love with books all my life, so the conjunction of crafting and books thrills me to no end.
Thanks for stopping by!